فارسی عربي

Tehran festival qualifies ‘Cylinder’ for Oscars consideration

The 38th Tehran Int’l Short Film Festival qualifies Iranian ‘Cylinder’ for Academy Awards consideration.

The Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) has qualified Iranian ‘Cylinder’ for Academy Awards consideration.

The Iranian drama received the qualification by winning the grand prix at the 38th edition of the TISFF.

Directed by Amir Pazirofteh, the film is about a teenage boy who must obey his money-obsessed father, regardless of the boy’s interest and talent in soccer.

The father prevents the son from going to the football competition by any means. Eventually, after a consistent struggle, the match day arrives and the boy decides to reach the final match any way possible with the help of his friend.

The awards ceremony was organized at the conference hall of Iran Mall in Tehran.

Read more:

Iran Film Festival for Children and Youth announces winners

